
Momo by Michael Ende




The book is titled Momo which is also a name of the protagonist in this book. She was just an ordinary girl except that she was an exceptionally great listener. Not giving advice or anything, Momo gazed at speaker’s eyes and listened to them. Anyone who talked to her felt they were a special person and could find answers to their problems on their own. I think this is a good character trait. We often need assurances or encouragement from someone, but not advice, since we actually know deep down inside what to do when we are less sure.

The main theme of this book is time.

Men in grey manipulated people into believing that the harder you work the happier you would be, that led to a life different from what it was now. Then they toiled away all day long to save time to just find themselves being pressed for time. In the fear of facing the fact that effort they made was in vain, they worked even harder to avoid the reality. That sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Time is really tricky to deal with. The book tells us every minute is our life. Our life is in our hearts. I feel the book asks me: what is your life for? Do you follow your heart?

The readers can find another aspect of time through Momo’s utter loneliness in the middle of the story. After losing all her friends, she came to understand that there was treasure that destroys you unless you have anyone someone to share it with. That reminds me of some people who just want to finish up their time day by day after they lost loved ones.

As children give me insightful idea, the books for children inspire me, or let me recall who I used to be.

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