

今日は、宮沢賢治のThe Restaurant With Many Orders(注文の多い料理店)を参加者5人の方と読んでみました。




原文「風がどうと吹いてきて、草はざわざわ、木の葉はかさかさ、木はごとんごとんと鳴りました」                                      英訳 A gust of wind set the grass stirring, the leaves rustling, and the trees creaking and groaning.



This is the introduction of the book titled The Restaurant With Many Orders.

The story begins with two gentlemen who are hunters and get lost in the wood. Actually readers come to realize that they are not gentlemen at all but… Anyway, as they were wandering into the deep forest, they became more and more hungry. They luckily found the restaurant called Wildcat, and were both excited to imagine what fancy food they would have with other prestigious people. They followed multiple requests from the restaurant, which were made to prepare them as food for the restaurant’s owner. The realization that they were the ones that were about to be eaten struck them at the very end.

It’s quite easy to criticize their lack of imagination, or how their vanity made them interpret the messages as they liked. Their arrogance over other animals also sickens me.

Sadly, most of us are more or less the same as them. We believe only what we want to believe and do not treat other animals with respect.


Nomad Englishは、福岡県糸島市のプライベート英会話教室です♪